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   1. The president can declare National Emergency only if:
a.       The Prime Minister gives written advice
b.      The Cabinet recommends in writing
c.       He himself is otherwise satisfied
d.      Chief Justice of India and Chief of the Army Staff given written request him/her

   2. The President of India is elected for a term of :
a.       Three Years
b.      Four Years
c.       Five Years
d.      Six Years

   3. The minimum age for the office of the President of India is:
a.       21 Years
b.      35 Years
c.       25 Years
d.      30 Years

   4.   Who acts as President when neither the President nor the Vice- President is available?
a.       The Prime Minister
b.      The Chief Justice of India
c.       The Chief Election Commissioner
d.      The Speaker of Lok Sabha

   5. The proposal of Impeachment of President can be moved in:
a.       Either House of Parliament
b.      Lok Sabha
c.       Rajya Sabha
d.      Vidhan Sabha of any state

   6. The maximum permissible membership of Lok Sabha is:
a.       550
b.      250
c.       350
d.      450

   7. How many members of the Lok Sabha are directly elected from the States?
a.       510
b.      520
c.       530
d.      02

   8. How many members are nominated to the Rajya Sabha by the President?
a.       02
b.      10
c.       12
d.      05

   9. The Judges of the Supreme Court of India are appointed by the:
a.       The President of India
b.      The Prime Minister of India
c.       The Law Minister
d.      The Council of Minister

   10. The Judges of Supreme Court of India retire at the age of :
a.       60 years
b.      62 years
c.       65 Years
d.      Till they expire

   11. The Supreme Court of India consists of the Chief Justice and ___________ other Judges.
a.       27
b.      25
c.       23

   12. The Governor is appointed by the :
a.       Chief Minister
b.      President of India
c.       Prime Minister
d.      Home Minister of India

   13. The Governor is normally appointment for a term of:
a.       2 Years
b.      5 Years
c.       4 Years
d.      6 Years

   14. The State of ____________ has bi-cameral Legislative.
a.       Uttar Pradesh
b.      Punjab
c.       Haryana
d.      Goa

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   15. In case of tie in the House Casting Vote is exercised by the:
a.       Governor of the State
b.      Chief Minister
c.       Presiding Officer of the Legislature
d.      The leader of the opposition

   16. What is the major source of income of Urban Local Bodies?
a.       Property Tax
b.      Fire Tax
c.       Education Cess
d.      None of the above

   17. How many seats are now reserved for women in local bodies?
a.       One-third
b.      Half
c.       One-fourth
d.      One-fifth

   18. Switzerland introduced  Universal Adult Franchise in the year:
a.       1914
b.      1945
c.       1971
d.      1928

   19. The minimum age for voting in India is:
a.       16 years
b.      18 years
c.       21 years
d.      25 years

    20. The word meaning of the word ‘Franc’ means:
a.       Free
b.      Equal
c.       Important
d.      None of the Above

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