Q. Where was Kondiba floating?

Ans: Kondiba was floating on the surface of the well’s water.

Q. How did he feel his way?

Ans: He felt his way along the rocks on the side of well.

Q. Where did his feet sink in the well?

Ans: His feet sank into the soft mud.

Q. Who was at the well?

Ans: Arvind’s aunt was at the well.

Q. What did Kondiba hear on the surface?

Ans: Kondiba heard the wailing of Arvind’s aunt.

Q. Why was Kondiba’s heart beating painfully?

Ans: Kondiba’s heart was beating painfully because he needed to breath.

Q. What did he feel suddenly?

Ans: He felt Arvind’s belt.

Q. What did he do then?

Ans: He held Arvind’s belt tightly with his right hand, he pulled the lad free, turned about and pushed him up.

Q. What made Kondiba weak?

Ans: Kondiba’s spine and muscles ache made him weak.

Q. How did Kondiba try to himself upwards?

Ans: Kondiba tried to push himself upwards with his free hand and feet.

Q. What was the full name of Kondiba?

Ans: His full name was Kondiba Gaikwad.

Q. Where did he live?

Ans: He lived in Aurangabad.

Q. Why did he come Mumbai?

Ans: He came Mumbai to support the life.

Q. What did he do there?

Ans: He started to sell broom & begging later.

Q. Where did he live in Mumbai?

Ans: He lived in a slum area of Gulibar of Ghatkopar in Mumbai.

Q. Who were with him there?

Ans: A family of Tuka Ram and Yalenbai were also with him there.

Q. Why did he come to Mumbai?

Ans: During the famine of 1972-73 he came to Mumbai for supporting life. He started to sell broom there.

Q. Where he lived in Mumbai?

Ans: He lived with Tuka Ram and his wife Yalenbai in a slum area of Ghatkopar in Gulibar in Mumbai.

Q. Did he like begging?

Ans: No, he did not like begging but it was his problem of life. He could not do anything.

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  1. NIOS DElEd Results 2018: The National Institute of Open Schooling Candidates has declared the NIOS DElEd results 2018 for different courses including 501, 502 and 503 (First Semester) on the official websites and on August 30. But due to a huge number of visitors on the official website, the website was not responding properly and many candidates were unable to check their NIOS DElEd results.
