Q. What is Mail Merge? Write its uses.
Ans: A common word processing task, to produce periodic mailings to send to different people or agencies connected to you is called Mail Merge. The mailing features in Word can help you to organize your address data, get it into a document, and print it out in the desired format. The main uses of Word’s Mail Merge features are:
    1.       You can merge a list of names and addresses to a single letter that can be sent to different people in their names and addresses.
    2.       You can create categories, a single letter with variable information fields In it, or labels.
    3.       You can also produce merged document such as directory lists, invoices, print address lists, or print addressees on envelopes and mailing labels.

Q. Define Data Source.
Ans: It is a file that contains the names and addresses or any other information that vary with each version of a mail-merge document. For example, a list of names and addresses for a form letter you want to send to a list of clients or other people.

Q. Write down the steps to create Mail Merge.
Q. Write the documents required in Mail Merge?
Ans: Mail Merge requires three steps:
    1.       Main Document: In a Mail Merge operation, the personalized document(such as, a standard letter or envelope or mailing label) is known as the main document. It is the document containing the next and graphics that stay the same for each version of the merged document. For example, the return address and body of a form letter.
    2.       Data Source: Data Source is a file that contains the names and addresses or any other information that vary with each version of a form letter you want to send to a list of clients or other people.
    3.       Merge Document: When you merge the main document with data source, a third document called merge document will be produced. The merge  document can be merged to the screen to view letters along with addresses; or directly to the printer to print   the letters along with addresses and print addresses on envelopes or labels; or save as some other file that can be used later for printing.

Q. What is the difference between main document and merge document in Main Merge?
Ans: In a Mail Merge operation, the personalized document(such as a letter) is called as the main document. When you merge the main document with data source, a third document called merge document with be produced.

Q. How do you create a data source using Word table?
Ans: 1.  Start Word program. Open Blank Document.
2.  Insert a table by selecting tab Insert Table command on the main tab bar and create a table.
3. Type the data field names on the top row of the table. Start typing the data records from the second row.
4. When you finish entering all the data records, save the table as a Word Document. Your data source document is ready.

Q. Write Steps in using Excel Worksheet as a data source for your Mail Merge.
    1.       Start Excel program. Open Worksheet.
    2.       Type the data field names on the top row of the worksheet. Start typing the data records from the second row.
    3.       When you finish entering all the data records, save the worksheet.
    4.       Select the data field name and data record you typed in the worksheet and then click on copy button in the standard toolbar. Close the file and then exit Excel program.

    5.       Open Word program. Open a new document and then click on Paste button. The data will be copied to word document in a table form. Save the document. Your data source document is ready.