Q. What is the
meaning of Constitution?
Ans : A
constitution means a body of rules according to which the government of a
country functions. It determines the power of the various organs of the
government and their mutual relationship. It also defines the rights of the
citizen and the relation between government and its citizens.
Q. What are
the main features of a federal system?
Ans: The main
features of a federal system are following:
1. Two tier government at the center
and at the state level
2. Division of powers between the
center and the states
3. Written constitution
4. Supremacy of Judiciary
Q. Define
Ans: The
Preamble to any constitution is a brief introductory statement that conveys the
guiding principles of the document.
Q. What is
meant by ‘Universal Adult Franchise’?
Ans: Universal
Adult Franchise means that every citizen who is 18 years of age or more is entitled
to cast his/her vote irrespective of his caste, sex, creed, religion or place
of birth.
Q. What are
the salient features of the constitution of India?
1. Written Constitution: Constitution of India is the longest
written constitution. It contains a Preamble, 395 Articles, 12 Schedules and 5
2. Fundamental Rights and Duties: The constitution of India
guarantees some fundamental rights to every citizen. Besides the rights the
constitution has provisions identifying fundamental duties, though these are
not enforceable as the fundamental rights are.
3. Integrated Judicial System: Indian
Constitution has established an integrated judicial system. It is aimed at
promoting and ensuring justice to all the citizens in uniform manner.
4. Universal Adult Franchise: Every
Indian after attaining 18 years of age, has right to vote.
5. Single Citizenship: Indian
constitution has provision for single citizenship. It definitely reinforces the
values of equality, unity and integrity.
Q. Explain the
three federal features of the Indian Constitution.
Ans: Some of the
most important federal features of the Indian Constitution are the following:
1. Dual Government: There is co-existence of two Governments
(Central and State) with limited and co-ordinate authority.
2. Distribution of Power: All subjects of legislation and administration
have been classified into three lists – The Union List, The State List and the
Concurrent List.
3. Supremacy of the Constitution: The Constitution is a written document and is
supreme. The part of the Constitution, which pertains to relations between the
union and the states, can be amended by a special procedure only after seeking
ratification by at least half of the states.
Q. Why is the
Preamble very important?
Ans: The
Preamble serves as the guideline of the constitution. It states the nature of
the Indian states which is Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic and
Q. How is
India a secular state?
Ans: The
constitution declares India to be a secular state. In India, we have Hindu,
Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Parsis etc. but their religions are matters of
their private belief. All religions are treated and respected alike and no
favour is shown to any religion by the state. Thus India is an secular state.
Q. What is
meant by political equality?
Ans: Political
equality means that in a democratic country everybody irrespective of his
caste, creed, religion and sex has equal political rights. Everyone has one
vote and has equal access to all office of authority.
Q. What is the
procedure of amendment of Indian Constitution?
Ans: For the
purpose of amendment of Indian Constitution procedure has been divided into
three parts:
1. Certain provisions of the
Constitution can be amended by parliament by simple majority.
2. Certain other provisions can be
amended if passed by two-third majority in Parliament and then satisfied by at
least fifty percent states.
3. The remaining part of the
Constitution can be amended by two – third majority of Parliament. Hence, our
constitution is both flexible as well as rigid.
Q. How is
India a Sovereign Republic? Discuss.
Ans: The
Preamble of the Indian Constitution declares India to be a sovereign Republic.
It signifies the following facts:
1. India has attained full status of independent
2. India is no longer under subjugation
of any foreign power.
3. India is free to conduct her
internal and external affairs as she deems desirable.
Q. Enumerate
the six fundamental rights granted to us by the Constitution.
Ans: 1. Right to Equality: Right to Equality means that all
the citizens of India are equal in the eyes of law.
2. Right to freedom: Right to Freedom means citizens have
freedom of speech, expression, and freedom to move freely in the territory of
3. Right to Freedom of Religion: Right to Freedom of Religion means all the
citizen are free to practice and propagate any religion subject to public
order, morality and health.
4. Cultural and Educational Rights: According
to this right any community which as a language and script of its own, has
right to conserve and develop the same. It allows all the minorities, whether
based on religion or language, to establish and administer educational
institutions of their own choice.
5. Right against Exploitation: According to this right traffic in
human being and Begar is prohibited. Constitution says that children below 14
years of age should not be employed in factories or mills.
Q. Mention any
two exceptions of the Right to Equality.
Right to
Equality contains certain exceptions. These are:
1. The state can make special
provisions for the members of schedules castes and scheduled tribes.
2. The state can also make special
provisions for women and children.
Q. Define
Ans: Duty is our
performance towards others. If there is rights from society, there is the
individuals duty towards the society.
Q. Name any
two fundamental Duties.
Ans: 1. To abide by the Constitution and
respect its ideal and institutions, the National Flag and the National Anthem.
2. To defend the country and rendered
national service when called upon to do so.
Q. What are
the salient features of Fundamental Rights?
Ans: 1. The Fundamental Rights are very
detailed and comprehensive which are explained in 24 Articles.
2. These rights are justiciable. If
these rights are violated, the citizens can move the court for their
3. Fundamental Rights have been given
to every citizen of India irrespective of his caste, creed, religion, sex or
place of birth.
4. Parliament enjoys the power to amend
Fundamental Rights.
Q. Enumerate
any three freedoms given under the Right to Freedom.
Ans: Article 19
guarantees the following freedoms to all the citizens:
1. Freedom of Speech and expression
2. Freedom to assemble peacefully and
without arms.
3. Freedom of form associations or
4. Freedom to move freely throughout
the territory of India.
5. Freedom to practice any profession,
occupation, trade or business.
Q. Why are fundamental
rights important for us?
Ans: 1. These rights enable the people to
lead a free and happy life.
2. These rights ensure peace and
harmony amongst the people.
3. Fundamental Rights look after the
welfare of children, women and weaker section of society.
4. They help the economically and
socially backward people to raise their standard of living.
5. They pave the way towards
establishing equality and liberty amongst the people.
Q. Describe the
different sources of Income of a village Panchayat.
Ans: 1. Taxes on property, land, goods and
2. Rent collected for facilities like ‘Barat
Ghar’ or any other property of panchayat.
3. Various types of fines collected
from the offenders.
Q. How has the
73rd Constitutional Amendment Act, 1992 impacted the Panchayati Raj
Ans: 1. It established three tier Panchayati
Raj System
2. Establishment of District Planning
Committees to prepare development plans for the districts.
3. Establishment of Gram Sabha and
their empowerment as a decision making body at the village level
4. Establishment state finance
commission, state election commission.
Q. What are
the sources of Income of a Municipal Corporation?
Ans: 1. Income from taxes – Housing tax,
entertainment tax, tax on hoardings etc.
2. Income from rents – Municipal Corporation
rent out properties like shops, community halls etc.
3. Other fees and charges like toll
tax, sewer charges, water and electricity charges etc.
4. Grant in Aids from state and Union
Q. What are
the functions of a Municipal Corporation? Why are these functions important?
Ans: These
functions are very important as they improve the quality of lives of the
citizens. Health, water supply or electricity are all of critical importance in
every person’s life, by ensuring that the city is clean, or providing for
hospital and safe drinking water, the Municipal Corporation helps to improving
the quality of life of citizens.
Q. What are
the major functions of a District Magistrate?
Ans: 1. Maintaining law and order and
ensuring peace in the district.
2. Implementing various policies and
programmes of the State government and the Central government.
3. Acting as the main link between
State government and district level institutions and offices.
4. Ensuring the conduct of free and
fair elections for various representative bodies, such as Lok Sabha, Vidhan
Sabha, Block Samities, Zila Parishad, Municipalities etc.
5. Co-ordinating the activities of
different departments such as education, health, welfare, land management,
police, culture etc.
Q. What do you
mean by local government?
Ans: The local
government is a system in which the administration of local affairs is
entrusted to the representatives of the people inhabiting the locality; for
they know best the local needs and aspirations.
Q. What do you
mean by Panchayati Raj?
Ans: The system
of local government established in rural areas is known as Panchayati Raj.
Panchayati Raj is an effort to establish true democracy at the village level
and involve people in local affairs.
Q. Give any
two functions of Municipal Corporation.
Ans: The two
functions of Municipal Corporation are:
1. To organize programmes for the
entertainment of the people.
2. Cleaning streets and other public
Q. Give any
three functions of Gram Panchayat.
Ans: The three
functions of Gram Panchayat are:
1. Construction and maintenance of
roads and streets
2. Management of cremation or burial
3. To take necessary steps to prevent
the spread of dangerous diseases.
Q. What are
the four main sources of income of local bodies?
Ans: 1. Different kinds of taxes
2. Income for passing the building
plans of the citizens
3. Grant from the State Government
4. Income from the entertainment tax
imposed on melas, circus etc.
Q. What are
the sources of income of Zila Parishad?
Ans: 1. A part of the taxes collected by
the state government from that area.
2. Income from its own property
3. Donations from Panchayat Samitis and
other bodies.
4. Grants from the State Government.
Q. Describe
the composition of Panchayati Samiti.
Ans: A Panchayat
Samiti is formed at the Block Level. It consists of the following members:
1. Sarpanchs of Gram Panchayats of the
area equal to 1/5 of the total members of the Panchayat Samiti taken y rotation
or by lottery.
2. Elected members
3. M.P.’s, M.L.A.’s and M.L.C.’s
elected from the area.
4. The members of the scheduled caste,
scheduled tribes and women are given special representation.