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Chapter: 12 | Indian Weavers

SUMMARY: Indian Weavers is a very good philosophical poem of Sarojini Naidu. She is considered the very important Anglo Indian Poetess and weavers. The poetess asks three same questions in three times Morning, fall of Night and in moon light. What are you weaving in morning time? Weavers were weaving very attractive colourful clothes for new born baby. In fall night time he was weaving dress for new bribe it was also very colourful and bright In light of moon he was weaving white clothes in very serious environment. When the poetess asks he replied that he was weaving shroud for dead people. Through this poetess wants to describe the three conditions of life: childhood, youth and death, contrasting the time morning, night and moon light. This is the reality and true philosophy of life that very easily the weaver knows.

Q. The poem ‘Indian Weavers’ is written by –

a)      Sarojini Naidu

b)      Rabindranath Tagore

c)      John Kids

d)      William Wordsworth

Q. Bright Garments represent –

a)      Marriage

b)      Truth

c)      Honour

d)      Royalty

Q. The midnight represents -

a)      Oldness

b)      Youth

c)      Childhood

d)     Death

Q. How many stages of life are described in this poem –

a)      7 stages

b)      5 stages

c)      3 stages

d)      2 stages

Q. Why the youth is compared with the fall of night?

Youth is perfect and matures period as well as fall of night is matured period of day and night.


Q. Write the colour of marriage veils.

It is bright, Plumes of peacock, purple and green.


Q. Write the colour of baby clothes.

It is blue and Haley on bird, colour and attractive.

Chapter: 22 | The Truth

SUMMARY: The Truth is a really heart touching poem. In this poem the poet has described the physical injury and mental injury. Physical injury by stick, bricks etc or by any war items such as sword, gun, knife but mental injury by words and behavior is more painful and serious. It does not pass till the life. Physical injury heals with the time. There are many medicines for physical injury to get healing but mental injury is unhealed. So the poet has said that words are more sharper than sword, we must take lesson from this poem that we must not hurt anyone by our harsh words and bad behavior. Sticks and stone can break the bones out words an break the heart which is beyond to get broken harsh words hurt the feelings.

Q. What do sticks and stones break?

a)      Heart

b)     Bones

c)      Head

d)      Nose


Q. Ghosts are compared with –

a)      Fire

b)      Water

c)      Air

d)     Words


Q. Which word describes the effect of harsh words on us :

a)      Sanctify

b)     Mortify

c)      Signify

d)      None of them


Q. How can bones be broken?

Bones can be broken by sticks.


Q. What is the effect of stick and stones?

It can reach pain only in skin and bones.


Q. What is the effect of words?

It is just like the ghosts. It haunts the people. The pain by it never ends in life.